15 Social Media Rules

Christians are called to live, speak and act differently. We are meant to be salt and light. Having recently joined Twitter, I was considering how we should live and speak differently on social media. Here are 15 rules, which I wrote for myself to follow and which you might find useful too. Ignore the trolls 15 Social Media Rules

Book Ruminations: An Introduction

This post will serve as both an introduction, and an index. These are not book reviews. There are already plenty of places you can go to find out if a book is worth your time. I recommend starting with Tim Challies. I don’t want to retread what has already been done, and I’m not current Book Ruminations: An Introduction

Christ and Cancel Culture

Amy CooperJames BennetJ. K. RowlingWilliam GladstoneWinston Churchill Just a few of the names who have had social media (or real) mobs come after them to cancel them for unpopular opinions or unacceptable behaviour. We live in a culture obsessed with moral purity. A land of stiff-necked, starched collar pharisees who prowl around looking for sinners Christ and Cancel Culture