Hear the Good Shepherd Speak

Hear the Good Shepherd speak, his sheep draw near.
His voice they love to seek, his words to hear.
He calls them all by name – they know the sound,
Of Christ who for them came, and gather round.

Enter the Shepherd’s door, and find within:
Your soul he will restore, and cleanse from sin.
Here shelter find from strife, no wolves are seen.
Here is abundant life, and pastures green.

See the Good Shepherd die, his sheep to save.
Cold does our Saviour lie within the grave.
He lays his own life down, and takes it up:
To wear the heav’nly crown, he drains the cup.

Christ the Good Shepherd knows each sheep by name.
For them to death he goes, for them he came.
No sheep he cares for will be snatched away.
The Father holds them still, ’till time’s last day.

James W. Shrimpton (2019)
CCLI Song ID: 7157510
Inspiration: John 10.
Suggested Tunes: Highland Cathedral