Here we stand, God’s word alone
Our solid rock and stay.
For only in that word is shown
The true and living way.
Here we stand, through faith alone.
No works that we could do
Could ever for our sin atone
And make us right with you.
Here we stand, by grace alone:
A gift from God above.
Great mercy to poor sinners shown!
We could not earn such love.
Here we stand, through Christ alone,
Our Prophet, Priest and King.
He intercedes for us, his own,
To him we pray and sing.
Here we stand, to God alone
All praise and glory due.
Eternity before your throne
We’ll spend in praising you!
James W. Shrimpton (2019)
CCLI Song ID: 7157518 (words and music)
Inspiration: The 5 Solas of the Reformation
Recommended Tune: Sola (see below)