Naked Sinner, Christ Has Robes

Naked sinner, Christ has robes,
Raiment white your shame to clothe.
Blinded sinner, Christ can heal,
Brighten eyes and truth reveal.
Hungry sinner, Christ is bread,
For your thirst a fountainhead
Sick and wounded? He shall cure!
Gold he has to give the poor.

Bound in chains? Your Christ has freed
Full redemption paid indeed.
True it is, your sin is great
But this truth now contemplate:
Christ has died for such as you,
He shall all your sin subdue
If you on his mercy lean,
Come to him and be washed clean.

Sinner come to Christ and live!
All your sin shall God forgive
But yet more, he shall forget
Cast them into ocean’s depth
Though your sin be crimson red
Christ his cleansing blood has shed
He shall wash you white as snow
If you turn to Christ alone.

James W. Shrimpton (2024)
CCLI Song ID: 7238857
Inspiration: Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, Thomas Brooks.
Suggested Tunes: Aberystwyth (would recommend playing it a little quicker than the linked version)