Our God made heav’n and earth beside.
In him I trust, he will provide.
His providence will good convey
Through sorrow I endure today.
For providence is God’s great power,
Which is with us in every hour.
As by his hand he upholds still
The earth and heav’n by his good will.
For God rules all the world he made:
The drought and rain; the leaf and blade;
My food and drink; sickness and health.
All that I have: in want and wealth.
The fruitful and the barren years;
Indeed all things – both joys and tears –
Come not from chance, or luck unplanned,
But all is from the Father’s hand.
And knowing this, I stand and sing:
That God is good and God is King.
Upholding his creation still,
He works all things to do his will.
Prosperity and hardship fall,
From God above, king over all.
To him my thankful praise I raise,
And on him wait in adverse days.
On providence my hope is cast,
I know God holds all creatures fast.
So strong his grasp of them does prove:
Without his will they cannot move.
My confidence cannot be quelled,
I face the future surely held.
My faithful Father reigns above:
Nothing can take me from his love.
James W. Shrimpton (2019)
CCLI Song ID: 7157512
Inspiration: Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 9 and Lord’s Day 10.
Suggested Tunes: ‘Tis Finished, Jerusalem