Christ is the lion who conquers all,
The Lamb of God who once was slain.
Oh, Weary Saint, no longer weep:
Worthy is he to rule and reign.
The slain lamb stands in God’s throne room
The Lion of Judah is His name.
All heav’n falls down and worships Him:
“Worthy the lamb”, they all proclaim.
By His dear blood he ransomed us,
Bought us and brought us back to God.
People from every tribe and tongue
Priests and a kingdom for our God.
Behold, the countless angel host.
Their praises raise a thund’rous sound!
As earth below joins heav’n above,
Their worship echoes all around:
“Worthy the lamb who once was slain!
Receiving all our praise by right.
His all the glory, and renown.
All honour, wisdom, and all might.”
To God who rules from His great throne,
And to His Son, our holy lamb.
All blessing, honour, glory be.
From now and evermore, Amen.
James W. Shrimpton (2018)
CCLI Song ID: 7157509
Inspiration: Revelation 5
Suggested Tune: Old 100th