I Shall Not Want, My Shepherd’s Christ

I shall not want: my shepherd’s Christ
I eat and drink, without a price.
By waters still and greenest field,
For righteous ways my heart is sealed.
Your love and mercy haunt my ways
Pursuing me through all my days.

I shall not fear for Christ is here.
In death’s dark vale my Saviour’s near.
God’s mighty strength is on my side,
In his great love I shall abide.
Your love and mercy haunt my ways
Pursuing me through all my days.

With Christ as host, I’ll ever live.
Forever he will blessings give.
He will defend me from my foes
In his own house, I find repose.
Your love and mercy haunt my ways
Pursuing me through all my days.

James W. Shrimpton
CCLI Song ID: 7215979
Inspiration: Psalm 23.
Suggested Tunes: St Catherine, Mozart (55533), Pater Omnium, Stella