Word of God the Father, ere the world began,
Son of God Almighty, born the Son of Man.
See, the angels gather, looking down in awe
At the Lord of Armies laid upon the straw.
He the world created, from him all things flow.
God who built the heavens, born on earth below.
Can we grasp such glory, God for us made man,
Infinite yet infant, lion born as lamb?
Word made flesh among us, life and light of men.
Son and Lord of David, born in Bethlehem.
Mary nurses gently Christ whose very voice
Holds the world together by his sovereign choice.
Light shines in the darkness, sent from God on high,
Light by dark unmastered, born as Christ to die.
Hosts of hell shall tremble, heaven’s vict’ry ring!
Satan shall not vanquish Christ the infant King.
James W. Shrimpton
CCLI Song ID: 7215977
Inspiration: John 1:1-5.
Suggested Tunes: Cranham